Complete Wellness Chiropractic

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Today I am Grateful For...

Your body is truly AMAZING!! It is the vehicle that carries you around throughout your entire life! For that reason alone, it makes sense to take the best care of it possible. However, you also want to ensure that it is equally AMAZING when you are old and grey, maybe when you’re 80, 90, or even 100 or more years old!!! That’s right, you only get ONE body!!

The human body is an AMAZING masterpiece of biological engineering! It’s made up of countless interconnected systems, each working nonstop to keep you alive and well, despite the ever-changing environment in which you live. Think about your heart, an organ that beats around 100,000 times a day pumping blood throughout your entire system!! Think about your brain, a powerhouse that processes an astounding amount of information every second!!

Think about your lungs, which bring in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide with incredible precision with every breath!! Think about your bones, the framework that supports and protects you!! Think about your skin, the body’s largest organ which serves as a barrier against the outside world!! And there’s so much more!!! How can you NOT be thankful for the unbelievably complex inner workings of the AMAZING body that makes you YOU!!

Here's something even more amazing!! When we have gratitude, that is when we are thankful for the gifts that are ours, we positively impact our mental health and overall well-being. When you are grateful for your AMAZING body, you shift your focus from what it lacks, to what it provides. This shift can lead to a more positive self-image and increased self-esteem.

Similarly, your family chiropractor doesn’t look at what is wrong with you. He or she looks at what is right with you and that is the incredible organization of your AMAZING body. He or she recognizes that there is an intelligence within you that is constantly organizing and RE-organizing you, with every breath and every beat of your heart, to adapt you to the ever-changing environment in which you live.

Your family chiropractor will look for misalignments in your spine that disrupt the communication between your brain and the parts of your AMAZING body to ensure there are no disruptions in your communication system (i.e., vertebral subluxation). When vertebral subluxation is present, you will be given a gentle adjustment to ensure that you are clear and firing on all cylinders.

Of course, you don’t have to wait for Thanksgiving to express gratitude for your AMAZING body or any other blessing in your life. You can start right now by doing some very simple things. Each morning, begin your day by saying a few positive statements. For  example, “My body is smart.” “My body is strong.” Then challenge yourself throughout your day, when negative thoughts pop up in your head (about your body or about anything) turn them back to something positive. Positive thoughts have a positive effect on your AMAZING body and negative ones have a negative effect. You are in control.

—By Judy Nutz Campanale, DC, ACP